
Showing posts from June, 2011

Girlfriend Network

If you move to the burbs, you're number one priority to should be to meet similar minded women. It's taken me a while but over the last two years I've become friends with some wonderful women who have similar family commitments, similar outlooks and values and who have become my indispensable girlfriend network. When life throws you a curve ball it's so much easier to handle when you have a network. A couple of weeks ago both my kids got sick with a contagious virus which of course declared itself at 8:00PM at night. The next morning at 8:30 both hubbie and I were expected at a school meeting we couldn't cancel. I texted a girlfriend, explained my situation. First she offered to take my two sick kids for the morning even though she has two of her own. I refused. Then she kindly called her babysitter and arranged for her to be at our house by 8:00AM the next morning! Life saver. Last night, son #1 announced that he had his end of year presentation today at 2:30....

Never say never!

The feedback from my last post was unanimous! Do it yourself city girl. My next door friend and neighbor (who is an uber do-it-yourselfer, no project frightens her!) gave me lots of encouragement and even offered to help! My dad, who is also Mr. fix it, said the same thing. The competitive New Yorker in me said "watch me I can do this!." So instead of paying a stranger a $1000 bucks I've decided to do it myself. I started this afternoon with the bathroom tile floor. I cleaned the whole floor with, vinegar, baking soda and a toothbrush! No denying that I felt like Cinderella and my hand is a big fat cramp, but it looks good and it was "free."  I hope I have it in me to do the other two bathroom floors. I'm thinking of enlisting the help of the kids for their bathroom floor, it seems only fair (or would it be considered child labor?) I have to learn this lesson over and over, never say never!

Money in suburbia!

Owning a house in suburbia is pushing me to two things I really hate to do: manage a budget and compromise. I've always hated both but I resent it even more now that it's for really mundane things like re-caulking the bathroom shower! It seems to me that there is a limited amount of money ( the budget) and an endless list of house related expenses! I'm not complaining, we could be millionaires and this would still be true. Do I really have to sit here and assess whether we should repaint the kitchen or have the garden mulched. Or whether we should splurge on an exterminator but then again the showers need to be caulked! And let me tell you before you even suggest it, this city isn't going to learn how to caulk a shower. (what's the point, one day I'll have a building super who will do it for me again!) And truthfully, I'd rather be playing with my kids, cooking them a super meal or working with my coaching clients. It is what it is but I don't li...

Make it for me!

Kale, Collard Green, Cucumber, Avocado, Garlic, Apple & Herbs When you live in the city you have access to countless take-out options. Out here it's a little more difficult to get someone else to make your meals. Today I discovered a take out option if you're into healthy, clean foods. The Stand in Norwalk, CT offers amazing veggie & fruit juices! Delicious sandwiches which are all filled with veggies and nuts.  The only inconvenience is that I can't walk there....which might be a good thing because it would fuel my addiction! The Stand 31 Wall Street Norwalk, CT  203. 956. 5670

Nice Wheels

When I drop off the kids t school in the morning, there usually a long line of Toyota Siennas minivans, Honda Pilots, and Audi Q7s....but today the car just ahead of me really caught my eye. It was a beautiful, sleek, powerful looking silver, convertible sports car. My first thought was "just another middle aged man showing off".... but I was totally wrong. At the wheel of that gorgeous car was a working, single mom who blew a daughter a kiss and drove off to work. The cherry on the cake is that this is an eco-friendly hybrid car! How refreshing!

Bug off!

After finding a tick on super girl's head I guess I'm a little more sensitive to creatures that inhabit the burbs. It has to be said I've never been an animal lover, my brother got all of the animal lover genes! I'm sick and tired of the minute ants that are invading my kitchen (and completely ignoring the ant traps). Annoying by the giant ants that have invaded the family room and are now making their way to our bedrooms (and who are completely immune to Raid). Not amused that I found out the hard way that when a giant ant goes up your pants, it bites you! I'm not finding the hedge hog that's hanging out in our back yard cute. Finished with the hundreds of chipmunks that keep digging up my vegetable garden. Not moved at all by the rabbits I see every time I leave the house all along the street. Surrounded by all of these creature, I feel like I'm in the minority and I don't like it one bit!