
Showing posts from September, 2009

Food for the brain

Last night, I popped over to NYC to hear a lecture on the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for most of our decision making. The lecture was fascinating mostly because I'm always in awe of how much we still have to learn about the brain and its capabilities. But the most interesting quote of the night was this: "dissatisfaction with the status quo is a pre -requisite for creativity." The speaker went on to say that most people are fine with the status quo , some moan about it and do nothing and others are so upset by it that they create great things to disrupt the status quo . How liberating is that idea? I think I smiled the whole way home. Based on this idea, it's ok for me to feel dissatisfied with the status quo of suburban life, and given my high level of dissatisfaction, chances I'll be more creative as a result. Maybe I'll write more (blog or book) and start my own business ( Personal Coaching)! For all of you out there wh

The Magic School Bus

After a glorious summer by the beach in Westport and in the countryside in France, it's back to school. Part of me felt very homesick for NYC , our friends, our school. But truth be told, getting everyone ready for the first day didn't really leave me much time to be sad. Going back to school in the burbs is pretty much the same as in the city. But the one major difference of course is the mode of transportation the kids use to get to school. In the city it's walking, subway, bus or cab...out here it's the school bus. It seems quaint and sweet on the outside but it's anything but! My youngest son started Kindergarten this year. That's a stressful experience unto itself but add the school bus to the mix and you're looking at possible therapy! First of all the school does not tell you what bus your child is on, you find out on the general education website or in the local newspaper the week before. Less than ideal if you ask me. Then they only list the mornin