When you live in the city that's an easy question to answer: "whatever tickles my fancy on my way home from the park or work." It could be a perfectly cooked chicken from Bouley Bakery, salmon from Whole Foods or chicken korma and naan from the Indian restaurant down the block. The point is that making dinner in the city is spontaneous and usually a mixture of homemade and store bought. It's a totally different affair in the burbs. I'm not complaining, I'm just stating a fact of life. In the burbs you're not going to just happen to bump into a dinner idea! You have to plan, plan, plan. First you have to come up with an idea, then you have to map out the stores you need to go to (one truth I've discovered is that everyone shops at at least 3 different stores to get there shopping done), then you have to make the entire thing from scratch which takes time and therefore planning. The other thing I've learned, the hard way is that you have to plan ...