Burb Language

When I moved to the burbs I knew that I would have to learn new cultural norms. I didn't, however, realize that I would have to learn a new language.

For example, I always thought stop meant stop. For example, when you're driving and you reach a stop sign, you simply stop. No really difficult. Annoying sometimes but not difficult.

Well out here in Westport, Stop seems to mean anything but stop. Since my job is to be a tour guide of sorts let me share what I've learned so far:

Stop stands for:
"I see the stop sign but I'm choosing to ignore it and driving right through it."

"I pretend to see it, somewhat slow down and hit the accelerator."

"I don't know what the hell I'm suppose to do."

"I'll stand here for about 8 minutes and then proceed cautiously and confuse the hell out of everyone."

"My sunglasses are bigger than yours so you don't exist."

"My car is more expansive than yours so I naturally deserve to go before you."

"Real man don't stop at stop signs."

"I don't know what that signs says because I can't see over the steering wheel and the last eye check I got was in 1984."

And I won't even get started on a four way stop intersection. The net net is that when you come to one of those you're basically risking your life. If I were you I'd take an alternate route.

If you and come visit, be careful when you get to a stop sign.


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