
Showing posts from August, 2011

Make it stop!

Tropical storm Irene has brought an early start for fall clean up.....which means it's the start of hours and hours of my most hated noise in suburbia the #@#$ leaf blower! You know the folks out here love their lawns to look as though they lived in TV land so it's a sin to have one leaf lying on your lawn or around your flowers. You know it's all about convenience out here so it's a minority of us who actually rake and put the leaves in a bag....and then while we work we have to listen to the incessant buzz of leaf blowers. Of course because the majority of people use them it means that when one stops another one begins and before you know it you've spent your entire weekend "in the country" listening to leaf blowers! My neighbor's leaf blower started at 8:30 this morning and it's hasn't stopped since! (not an exactly efficient tool) I wish I could make it stop. But I can't so I'll just close the windows :(

Best Day in Suburbia

Thanks to hubby, yesterday was my best day in Suburbia EVER! I've always dreamed of driving a race car and yesterday that's just what I did! For my birthday hubby enrolled me an introduction to racing class and I got to drive a real race car, all by myself. It was exhilarating, exciting, scary, challeng and the most fun I've had in CT. I can't thank hubby enough (and the kids who were awesome on the 4 hour drive). "Mom, did you like your surprise?" In heaven "I can't believe this is actually happening!" "Remember knees together if you spin out in a turn." "I can reach the pedals. All good." Yeap! I was the only city girl there :)

Sugar Coating

Before I even had a chance to catch up and tell you how amazing and awesome our summer in Europe was and how depressed I am to be back, I've been pushed back into the suburban life. It all started this morning when the kids next door ran down the street screaming we know who are teachers are for the year! It's posted! Have you checked? Two seconds later I'm sitting in front of the screen trying to login into my parent account (needless to say my username and password have been erased from my memory!). And the results are in.... Son #2 gets assigned an awesome teacher who is a perfect fit for him, she loves science, he loves science. Son #1 gets assigned a teacher with a reputation for screaming and putting down his students in front of the whole class...a horrible fit for my son who is super affected by screamers and needs a whole lot of positive encouragement in order to do his best. My first reaction was to call hubby and share my concern and sadness. My second r