Sugar Coating

Before I even had a chance to catch up and tell you how amazing and awesome our summer in Europe was and how depressed I am to be back, I've been pushed back into the suburban life.

It all started this morning when the kids next door ran down the street screaming we know who are teachers are for the year! It's posted! Have you checked?

Two seconds later I'm sitting in front of the screen trying to login into my parent account (needless to say my username and password have been erased from my memory!). And the results are in....

Son #2 gets assigned an awesome teacher who is a perfect fit for him, she loves science, he loves science.
Son #1 gets assigned a teacher with a reputation for screaming and putting down his students in front of the whole class...a horrible fit for my son who is super affected by screamers and needs a whole lot of positive encouragement in order to do his best.

My first reaction was to call hubby and share my concern and sadness. My second reaction was to call the principle and share my concerns. He had such a great year last year I just desperately want to ensure that Gabriel has another great year.
Third reaction...take a deep breath.
Final reaction...I refuse to be a crazy helicopter mom who sugar coats their child's life. The truth is that I can't always protect my kids from life's ups and downs. They have to learn how to deal with it on their own. I only know this teacher through second hand accounts, I can't project, I have to see for myself what our experience will be. I have to trust our school's decision because thus far we've had such a great experience. And worse case scenario I know my kid enough to know if he's really in trouble and then as always I'll be his strongest advocate.

Welcome back everybody!


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