Getting into a stranger's car

Life is full of surprises. Last Sunday I went from a happy mom sharing a fun skating moment with my kids, to a broken mom who can't hug her 18 month old! That's right for the first time in 20 years I took a spectacular fall at the ice skating rink, fell right on my tail bone. My family dragged me home and very quickly everyone realized that mom was going to be out of service for a while. Just what you need when you live in the suburbs with 3 kids and a husband who's gone all day.

I can't sit, I can't bend, I can't drive... you get the picture. Thank heavens my father in law is staying with us and kindly offered to extend his stay.

So on Monday morning, my hubby and his dad took over the running of the house. I was in bed unable to get out by myself. My mid morning I decided I had to go see a doctor, the pain was just too much. I track one down, my father in law drives me to the next town over. She tells me I need an x-ray. My father in law drives me to another town! Thank heavens for the GPS system is all I can say. I can't even believe I considered not getting one! Anyway when we get there the woman tells me it's going to be another 2 hours before my x-ray (great another two hours of staying since I can't sit down). This means that I won't make it in time to pick up Theo and Gabriel from school. I set the GPS system up for my father in law so he can pick up the kids. I tell him I'll catch a taxi home.
When the x-ray ordeal is over I ask the receptionist for a taxi company. Response "Uh....I don't have one." She literally looked at me like I had three heads.
I call hubby at work and ask him to google cab companies and send them over ASAP.
I call the cab he shows up 10 minutes later.
For the first time in my life I felt scared getting into a cab!
I felt like I was getting into a stranger's car and no one knew where to find me if something happened.
There is no separating window, the car looked like the guy's personal car which he bought back in 1985. When I think of how many taxis I've hailed in NYC, I couldn't believe how uncomfortable this felt, how I longed for my car!!!! I've gone from loving the freedom of a NYC cab to dreading the awkwardness of a CT cab.


  1. omg sophie! I hope you are feeling ok! I hear tailbone accidents are the worst! Ugh! So not what you need! As for the taxi thing, I feel the same way with the gypsie cabs in the city! I will never take those! I mean, someone could take you anywhere! Suburbs sounds craaaazy! xo!

  2. All this just to get out of boot camp?!

    Seriously, I am sorry to hear that you are in such pain. Tiffany broke her tail bone while cliff jumping in Jamaica on our honeymoon (thank god it was on the last day, nudge nudge). Her plane ride home was UNcomfortable!

    Get well soon!



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