Home gym newbies

A couple of weeks ago we reached 10 degrees Fahrenheit out here in the countryside, and that's when it became officially too cold to go jogging to the beach. So I had two options (beyond bootcamp) join a gym or buy a machine and start a home gym.

Joining a gym would mean having to drive there. On the plus side it would also mean that Bella would get to see other kids her age at the babysitting place.

But a home gym would mean that I could do it whenever I felt like it.

Anyway I went for the home option. After all these years of having to share a gym with stinky guys or annoying women who can't stop talking, I couldn't resist the lure of privacy.

After I got over the price tag....who knew those things were so expensive, I had to figure out where to put the thing. We have a little bit of room (especially compared to our 2 bedroom NYC apt) but we don't have a room to dedicate to a gym. Anyway after lengthy discussions with hubby we decide that the unfinished basement which is next to the playroom would be ideal.

The delivery guys come. Assemble the 280 lb monster and then turns to me and say...."is there an outlet here?" Oh good question I hadn't thought of that. I look and look (remember I'm in a drug induced haze thanks to the pain medication) and finally spot the extra fridge all the way at the other end of the basement. If there's a fridge there must be an outlet.... can I use an huge extension cord I ask them...sure. And off they go.

As I'm admiring our new machine, I look up at the ceiling and see this unsightly pink, fluffy stuff hanging from it. I say to hubbie, this is quite ugly, I wonder what we can do to hide that stuff. My husband informs that it's actually insulation stuff. He goes online, googles it and guess what, you can't work out in a place with exposed insulation stuff because it has fiberglass!!!!

So now we have two options. Finish the basement or pay about $250 for someone to come and move our new machine upstairs in our room.

Maybe I should have paid my gym membership and let someone else worry about where to put the machines!


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