Keeping sane one run at a time

Last January I started running almost every morning, in an effort to lose the extra baby weight.
My run up the Henry Hudson highway was so precious to me. It was a perfect combination of time alone, physical exercise and time to think about life. Rain, snow or sunshine I was out there.

When we moved to CT I swore that no matter what I would find a way of fitting a run into my day. Most mornings I jog from my house to Compo beach. It's about a three mile run. In the midst of everything else that has been uprooted and changed in my life recently this has been my one constant. I have run in sunshine, snow and on icy roads. Most days I run the risk of being run over by an SUV but it's still worth it to me. I've traded jogging to the interesting transvestite peer on the West Side Highway to the beautiful long island sound. Instead of being run over by an aggressive biker, I'll probably be hit by an Acura MDX before the spring comes.

In short, the setting has changed but the benefit is the same. I'm staying fit both in mind and body. Change is hard but trying to fit in just one constant in the midst of it, really helps to keep you centered. Whether it's moving to CT or becoming a mom or changing jobs finding one thing you can carry with you is really important.


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