Obama Love in the burbs

On election day we were still in NYC.
Excitement, anticipation and uncertainty filled the city.
In the elevator, in the street, at our neighborhood park, that's all we could talk about.
A lot of the kids went and voted with their parents and it was so great to watch them talk about it at the playground afterwards.

Fast forward a couple of months and I'm now in CT. I have to be honest and say that this morning I was sitting here wishing that I could be in NYC for Obama's inauguration. I was craving that feeling of being part of the crowd, of the buzz.

So where was I at 11:30 today?

I was at my friend's Deana's house. I met her at a newcomer's cocktail party.

She had invited about a dozen of us to come and watch the ceremony at her house.

So today I watched the president being sworn in surrounded by a group of new friends. We cheered, we clapped and toasted Obama with a glass of champagne. That's right a glass of bubbly at noon on a Tuesday. The room was filled with excitement, optimism and relief. Yes, Bush was really leaving and yes, Obama was really moving into the White House. Everyone was so moved that we had to pass a box of tissues around.

Tonight, safe in the knowledge that Obama is now in charge, I wonder if I could have had a better inauguration day in NYC. I might have felt the excitement in the elevator and in the street. But I'm not sure that I would have shared a glass of champagne with friends at noon.
In the burbs, you can be as little or as much alone as you want to be. I've found that a people make more of an effort here because they don't want to be isolated. In the city, you're never alone for very long but you can still feel very isolated and chances are someone isn't going to reach out to you.


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