Where have all the good men gone?

I live in this very strange combination of Utopia and the Twilight Zone.

My new world is exclusively populated by women.
Through out my day, where ever I go, I see only women.
Women at the school bus stop, women at the gym, women at the supermarket, women at Starbucks....you get the point.
What's interesting is that I've landed in this sort of Utopia where women here basically run the show. Women here are in charge of every aspect of their families lives. They make life happen. They plan, they implement and they manage. There is also an interesting bond between these women that has developed because each of them understands the weight of the burden that comes from being the sole care taker of the family life.

Women here are fully independent and they don't answer to anyone because frankly there is no one to answer to. The men are all gone.

That's the Twilight Zone aspect.
The men here just don't exist until the weekend.
They all take the first train into NYC on Monday morning and they don't reappear until the weekend.
In some instances they don't reappear at all.
I have a neighbor with 5 year old triplets. I see her leading her ducklings to the bus stop at 7:20AM, signing them up for after-school activities, teaching them to ice skate (all 3 of them!!!) and in two months time I have yet to meet her husband. Kind of eerie if you ask me.

So as you can imagine that's my life now too. And needless it takes getting used to. I always dreamed a feminist dream of a 50/50 set up for our family. We had pretty much reached that golden mean in NYC. It looks like it will take even more effort for that to happen out here in the suburbs. I'll keep you posted.


  1. so funny...I just went to my first playdate in soho and there were all these women and a couple of men! I don't think that would happen out there huh...I yearn for a 50/50 equality mix but don't see that happening until men are the ones who can give birth you know? miss you!


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