
You know when my sister-in-law who lives in the suburbs, used to come and visit us in NYC she was always amazed that a family of five could live in a two bedroom, two bath apartment. I truly believe that a) she felt sorry for us and b) couldn't think of a worse fate. I always used to say that small space is just city living. You don't have an extra bedroom, you don't store stuff from 10 years ago and you basically become an expert at maximizing the space that you do have. And to be honest I was happy with that. The fact that our place was small forced us to take full advantage of the city because we went a little stir crazy if we stayed home too long.

So now we're in the burbs and we have space. What's it like? Is it worth moving out here for the space?

Keep in mind that moved here a mere two months ago so things will evolve, but here's where we stand. We have enough bedrooms for the three kids to have their own. So far Bella has her own bedroom but the boys who have always shared a bedroom have decided to keep sharing. We have a family room which we use for everything including eating. In fact it's kind of like we've replicated the open kitchen/living room we had in NYC. The kids have a playroom which they really like. We have an empty living room, an empty dining room and our office has a desk in it.

So we have more space and the huge advantage is that we don't get unto each other nerves like we used to. When someone wants some alone time, they actually have somewhere to go. When I want to get away from it all I can go to my bedroom and it actually takes the kids 10 minutes to find me, in New York it was more like 10 seconds.

More space also means that you can hang out at home more and enjoy each other's company. You don't have to go out into the "world", the "crowd" to get away from feeling cramped.

The funny thing is that we're such city folk that we have to retrain ourselves to live in more space. I mean we literally have to think about how we're going to use the space; should we make it a music room, an art room, leave it empty so the kids can keep running around... if anyone has any great ideas please share!

The best thing about this new space, is that it's our space. I have to say that after renting space for 20 years it's nice to know that I can do what ever I want with this space, even if there's a little too much of it right now.


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