Seeing Red

Living in a city, very often means living on an island of blue. For example, living in NYC for the last 5 years has meant that no matter how crazy the Republican regime got I was surrounded by fellow Democrats with whom I could commiserate. It gave me the opportunity to have a daily sanity check.

When we moved to Connecticut I was a little scared about our town's political leaning, after all Connecticut is not known for its liberalism, and they have a Republican governor (a woman mind you, but still a Republican).

I found a few reassuring signs. I saw an Obama sign in our neighbor's yard. People smiled when they saw my kids wearing their Obama t-shirts around town. I found a group of people to celebrate Obama's inauguration with. My son's elementary school even showed the inauguration live in their auditorium.

My sense of relief came to an abrupt end last Thursday, when I went to pick up my youngest son from school. On the back of the Lexus in front of me were two stickers; The first was just your average, McCain/Palin sticker. That just made me ponder why you would have that on your car four months after losing the election. But the real show stopper was the SOLO Palin sticker! What person in their right mind gets a SOLO Palin Sticker? I didn't even know they existed!

Where does this sighting leave me?
Well I don't speak as freely about politics as I did in NYC. I just don't know for sure who's in the room, maybe there are a couple of democrats but there might be that person who truly believes Palin would be a good option for president?! Truth be told, I am just glad that Bush is no longer in office because it would not be humanely possible for me not to voice my opinion in public given the gravity of his stupidity. And then who knows I might have been thrown out of town back to my blue island.


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