Cats in the burbs
Setting: After-school gym class, somewhere in the burbs of CT.
Preamble: Normal mom chit chat. Five minutes into the conversation....
Burb Woman 1: "Have we met before?"
Burb Woman 2: "I don't know. It's possible since we live so close to each other..."
BW1: "I swear I met you before."
BW2: "um...."
BW1: "Yeah, I remember, we walked up the hill together, you were pushing a stroller..."
BW2: "um..."
BW1: "yeah I'm sure it was you. I just don't remember you looking so pretty. Maybe you were pregnant...."
BW2 : "um...I'm not sure how to take that."
And they say New Yorkers are mean! Talk about needing a FILTER!!!!!
ha! um, i don't know what I would have said either! The woman doesn't need a filter, she needs a muzzle.