Health or Death

Working out in the burbs is really vital to your health. Primarily because you spend the majority of your time in a car.

The problem is that working out in the burbs can be deadly. You think I jest....

Let's start with running. Running in the city is done in a park, or the Central Park Reservoir or on a walkway. The point is that a runner rarely has to deal with cars. In the burbs you basically can run on a road with no sidewalk and if you're very lucky it's a road with a bike lane. Either way you're risking your life because you have to run next to cars. In those cars are drivers who are either on the phone, checking e-mails or turning their heads to yell at their kids! The net net is that they are not paying attention to anyone on the road! That means that during a 40 minute run you run the risk of being killed approximately 20 times.

It's not much better if you go to the gym. This morning to get to my 6:00AM boxing class I had to drive slowly on my street to avoid the deer. The I took I95. To get to my class I had to avoid the speeding semi trailers,  drunk drivers returning home and the drivers speeding to get to work. Again in order to maintain my health I had to avoid death at least three times in ten minutes.

You get the point. If you move to the burbs stay healthy by being aware of the unique dangers!


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