Location Neutral

I've spent quite a bit of time over the last year, writing about about the pros and cons of the suburbs. Well let's face it maybe a little bit more about the cons. Last night I was moaning a little bit to hubby about the lack of diversity in the burbs. I really feel that it's important for my kids to interact with people from different ethnic and social backgrounds. I thought I was making a fair point. But hubbie's reaction was less than enthusiastic.

He reminded me that in our NYC neighborhood there may have been ethnic diversity but the common denominator was wealth. He also reminded me that for the privilege of living there we were sacrificing on other fronts. At first I reacted badly to this. I always take the pro-city side in any conversation.

But upon reflection, I realize that hubby was pointing out something important. In fact he pointed out something that I've been telling my coaching clients. Be grateful. No matter where you are the first step is to be grateful  for what you do have, It sounds simple, it's sounds old fashioned but scientific research has shown the benefits of it. So instead of moaning about the lack of diversity in our suburban school I am sincerely grateful that my kids are learning in a safe, nurturing and peaceful environment. I'm grateful that they have Spanish, art, computer and music classes. I'm grateful that they have bi-lingual friends on the street. I'm grateful that they have a great middle school and award winning high school to go to and that hubby and I will not have to spend three million dollars to get them to college. Most of all I'm grateful to hubby for reminding me of all those things.


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