Passing on the family addiction

Those who know me, know that I am a certified chocoholic. My addiction started at a very young age, and has never abated. In fact, I come from a long of line of chocoholics, every member of my immediate family can not be trusted with a box of good chocolates. This morning I made sure that this family tradition would be passed on to the next generation.

Bella and I spend the morning at our very first chocolate tasting. My friend Stephanie hosted this wonderful event, where in the course of an hour, Bella and six other ladies had the pleasure of tasting, evaluating, discussing 24 kinds of chocolates. We leisurely worked our way from 56% cacao to 99%. It was very similar to a wine tasting. First we smelled the sample, then placed it in the middle of our tongue, let it melt and see what developed. We took copious notes, rated each chocolate and after a sip of room temperature water worked our way to the next sample.

I can't think of a better way to spend a frigid Friday morning in the burbs!


  1. I should do this for my sis's birthday - she'd faint dead away!

  2. I'd be happy to send you the chocolate tasting chart we used.


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