Precious Natural Resource!

The city landscape and its inhabitants provide a great deal of material for thought and contemplation. It's easy to be inspired in the city, there's a spark around every corner. There's almost an endless creativity mine in the city.

In the burbs that pool of inspiration is not as easily accessible or even available.

But I've discovered a precious natural resource in the burbs...time and space to think!

Because my brain is not consistently being attracted by a sound or a visual, it has time to think. It has time to present. It's a beautiful thing. Your thinking is uninterrupted in the burbs. You can actually write a whole article in your head from your house to the kids school because you're alone in the car as opposed to being shoved in a noisy subway car. Your thinking is clearer and linear. You don't constantly feel like you've been interrupted. You know the best part? You can have a whole daydream and not be interrupted in the burbs, another beautiful experience that never happened for me in the city. Of course the overall effect is one of calm.
Of course I found this experience extremely jarring at first, almost I see how precious it is. I'm ten times more intellectually productive here than I was in the city!

If you come to visit us, you'll not only get to hang out at the beach, you'll be giving your brain a chance to think!


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