Victory is mine!

After anxiously waiting while the school nurse checked my kids' hair with wooden oversized toothpicks, we got the all clear.  I felt so relieved. I felt so empowered! Down with the lice! Yeah baby I beat you slime ball! I got you off my kids and don't come back.

Ok now back to reality. Tomorrow is another day and the nits may be back.  Perseverance I'm told is the only way to win this war. Which is why I have to check each kid, every single day for the next 14 days.  We're fighting an infestation, which is why in seven days I have to re-apply pesticide. I also need to wash everyone sheets every single day for the next 14 days and vacuum everywhere each day as well. Of course I can't forget the 25 garbage bags that are sitting in my garage filled with the stuff that I couldn't put in the laundry! If hubby doesn't step in to be the voice of reason I'll drive the whole lot to the dump. 

It's not over and I have to stay vigilant because if I lose focus for even a day they might come back.
But for today I'm going to take a deep breath and revel in this small victory.


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