Excerpts from a city conversation

On a beautiful sunny sunday, I took my two sons to NYC to the International Kids Film Festival. 
I was really looking forward to it but I realized that those feelings weren't reciprocated as soon as we arrived in Grand Central Station.
Mom: "OK guys let's hop on the subway, it'll be faster."
Boys: "oh common mom, let's take a cab. Pleeeaasseee.?"
M: "OK fine."

Out into the sunshine we go.
M: "Wow a what a beautiful day!"
B: "There is so much construction in the city, it's loud."
M: "Can you the african drums? We used to come and listen to them every sunday night, and sometimes they'd let you play with them."
B: "What time are we taking the train back? Will it still be daylight? Can we play with our friends?"

OK let me try and jog their memories about how much they used to love it here.
M: "You know you were born in this city."
B: "When's the movie starting? We want to go home!"
M: "Let's have lunch! Do you remember this diner? We use to pop in for dinner and brunch! You loved this place."
B: "So what's the plan mom, when are going home?"

We walk for 3 and half blocks.One son gets hit in the head by some woman's handbag.
M: "Oh look H&H bagel. Let's get some real bagels to bring home."

B: " Mom we have bagels in Westport and they're the same."
( OMG what is the world coming to? Next thing I know they'll be telling me that a Stew Leonard's croissant is no different to the ones we eat in Paris!)

We head downtown on the subway

As soon as we sit down an unfortunate soul starts shouting nonsensical sentences over and over.
S:"what's he saying?"
M: "Just ignore him."
S: "Why is he screaming?"
M: "Don't worry about it, we only have 8 more stops."

M: "Ok we're almost at the movie theater, do you guys want to get cool new shoes for the summer or do you want to sit and wait for 30 minutes until the movie starts?"
B: "Do we have to go to the movie? Can't we just go home?"
Exaperated look from me
B: "Ok let's sit down and wait - I can't walk anymore!"

B: "Mom did you know that when you move to a new place you don't want to go back to the old place? You just want to get to know the new place."
B: "Yeah, Westport's our home now. It's where are friends are."
B: "We never want to come back to NYC! We just want to go home and play with our friends."

I guess some of us have moved on faster than others. I, for one, still need my city fix, next time I'm coming solo.


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