Driver's ED

Driving = Suburbs
Suburbs = Driving
It's a simple enough premise but it's not until you actually move to the suburbs that you appreciate the implications. Driving in the burbs means three things:

#1 You are risking your life every time you get in that car. I'm absolutely baffled, on a daily basis, that I or my kids have not been killed by a fellow driver. It's like they're doing everything, (talking on the phone, curling their eyelashes, yelling at their kids, putting on eye shadow, reaching back into their trunk, driving in the middle of the road) instead of actually looking at the road with a bare minimum of one hand on the wheel.

#2 You will spend a majority ie 75% of your life in the car. That's a huge huge consideration if you're moving from the city. Really, close your eyes and picture yourself, driving your kids to school, driving the homework they forgot to school 15 minutes later, driving to the gym, driving to the grocery store, driving to meet a friend for coffee, driving to get the yard materials, driving to get ice cream, driving to yoga class, driving to the pharmacy.... And it's not just driving, it's the distances. I recently drove 30 minutes to get my youngest to a birthday party!!!!

#3 Your mental and physical health will suffer. The two afore mentioned points mean that you'll gain weight if you're not careful because you rarely have the opportunity to walk, your blood pressure will definitely go up because you have to deal with moronic drivers multiple times a day and you'll start getting road rage.

So, if you're considering making the move to the burbs take a moment to ponder the simple equation Suburbs = Driving!


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