DYI in the burbs

So hubby has been in South Africa for almost a month, I've been a single mom to three kids and I couldn't think of anything better than to repaint my bedroom! Here's the thinking. Hubby didn't want to deal with the mess and fumes of me repainting the bedroom so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to get to work.

Let me entertain you with a progress report to date.

On Sunday, I waltz into the paint shop and ask for the perfect shade of blue, which I've researched for months.  I was about to get a gallon when a voice inside spoke up and I asked for a quart in case just to test the color.....of course the beautiful blue was a dull grey on my walls.

So back to square one. After hours on the web and at the store I pick a new blue.

Sunday morning. I prep the room. Get the tarps, take down the paintings,  take off the switch covers, ask my father in law to move the heavy furniture etc.

I'm ready to go. Oh but wait hold on I have three kids who are clamoring for my attention and love.
After a day of filling up water balloons, serving snacks and cleaning wet muddy floors, I finally get to work at 9:00PM. Now did I mention that I'm in no shape or form a night person. Wake me up at 5:00AM and I'll be useful but anytime after 11PM I'm useless. So I put primer on about 1/4 of my walls before I call it a night. Oh and the fact that it was 90 degrees at 10PM didn't help matters. And the walls I did paint looked pretty awful which really shook my confidence. I crawled into my bed, surrounded by my mess and primer fumes.

Monday morning my 2 year old daughter walks into my room and says "oh my gosh what happened here!" Of course I spent the entire day getting everyone to and from camp and swimming lessons and blah blah blah. Monday night I'm too exhausted to paint.  I sit down on my couch and realize that hubbie was right...this is a lot of work. I  have three days before friends come for July 4th and 6 until hubbie comes home!!! There's only one solution. Swallow my pride and call in the professionals.

By Tuesday afternoon I've got four leads, I've left four messages and no one, no one has responded!!! I have visions of hubbie coming back and finding half of the walls of our bedroom a streaky white mess and all of the furniture in the middle of the room!

Tuesday evening comes and I pull up my socks and decide to finish the job I started. I get going, I paint another fourth of my walls, I'm getting into a groove, I've got my goal finish priming all the walls..... next thing I know I've run out of primer!!!!!! It's 8:30PM, I consider putting the three kids into the car and heading out to Home Depot but then I come to my senses and call it a night.

Ok tomorrow's another day. I'll drop off the kids at camp, take my youngest to the paint store first thing, get some primer and paint like a mad woman for the three hours I have before I pick the kids up!

Then, well then I'll figure it out somehow. I'll let you know what kind of bedroom hubbie finds when he finally gets home!


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