Parachute Moms

Parents in the city are known for being type A and hyper competitive mamas and papas. Let's be honest it starts in the maternity ward. Everyone wants their kids to be "well-rounded" and have the best opportunities ever. Nannies have to be bilingual,  music classes start at 5 months, soccer classes at 18 months.

I'm kind of shocked to find that it's just the same in the suburbs if not worse. Parents out here redefine uber parents. They want their kids to have everything, to be the best at any cost, even if it's at their kids' happiness. Parents want to be aware of every detail of their kids life. Everywhere around me I see parents basically doing everything for their kid and giving them no chance to learn how to function independently. I just keep wondering how these kids are going to fare on their own later in life. Recently  heard that the parachute mom problem has been exacerbated by cell phones. Kids in middle school, in high school are calling their moms from their cell phones through out the day to ask for help, solutions, panaceas to life's little bumps.

The uniting factor between the city and the suburb is that it's really easy for a parent to get sucked in and become an uber parent.  I'm finding myself consciously holding back and resisting the urge to hand them life on a silver platter. I'm  trying to let my kids make mistakes, figure out their solutions, resisting the urge to fill their days with "experiences" and letting them experience boredom, contemplation, just hanging with their siblings (instead of scheduling individual playdates for each of them).

Am I depriving them of the chance of being #1? Will they get hurt more than the others who have more mama protection? I don't know we'll find out. My job is to help them be independent and be successful on their on terms. No parachute necessary.


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