Mouse Hotel

Hotel Closed
As the kids and I are 3000 miles away from the burbs, hubbie is on site taking care of our unwanted visitors. (I tried to take care of them while I was there, I even went and had a mousetrap tutorial from the guy at the local hardware store! But it just really creeped me out. Just hearing the snap of an empty mouse trap made me jump a couple of inches off the ground.)
So last night at 11:03PM hubbie put down 6 mouse traps. At 11:06PM he had caught the first one! By the second day the body count was 5. It seems that the tried and true method of a basic mouse trap with a dab of peanut butter is the way to go. We have one  super smart or super small mouse that has thus far been able to get the peanut butter without getting caught....I know with my brave hubby on the case he won’t last long!
I’m so grateful that when I get back the mouse hotel will be closed.


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