
This afternoon, at about 2:00PM, my friend and I were debating the pros and cons of keeping our doctors in New York versus finding new ones in the burbs. Pros: you trust them, they know you, you feel comfortable and they're competing in one of the toughest cities in the world so they're probably at the top of their game. Cons: they're in the city and you're not.

Fast forward three hours. It's after-school time. The kids are home playing and I'm munching on some pistachios. On my third pistachio I hear "CRACK." I'm like, no "f***ing way, did I just break my tooth!" I feel around with my tongue to find a distinctive crack in my molar and the pain is raging from my gum.

So I  speed dial my dentist. This being the ONLY doctor I have switched to locally..... She answers the phone. Panicked I say: "I think I just broke my tooth and I have to lead a workshop tomorrow at 10AM!" She replies: "how fast can you get here?"

I throw the three kids into the car, speed over to Fairfield.

Twenty minutes later, I'm sitting in Dr. Susan Levine's office ( and she's taking care of me. She gives me the 411 and my options. An hour and a half later I walk out with a numb jaw (it took about 6 shots to get it numb) and a temporary crown ready to do my workshop tomorrow morning!

I want to hug Dr. Levine for taking such good care of me. I felt so lucky to have her close by.
I felt as equally lucky that my three kids sat patiently for an hour and half in her waiting room!

Still not ready to give up on my NYC based doctors but more open to having local resources!


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