Drama at lunchtime

One of the things I miss about the city is the option of going to see plays. Mind you with three kids I didn't exactly go every week but it was a nice option. One of the reasons we chose Westport, CT beside the schools and the beach, was its reputation as an art town.

This winter I discovered a fabulous and easy way of seeing a couple of plays in town, it's called Play with Your Food.
Here's the deal. Once a month, you show up for a buffet lunch, catered by one of the local restaurants and you are then treated to three short plays. The actors are professional actors from CT and NYC so the quality of the acting is fantastic and the range of plays offered is really interesting and broad.

I roped in a couple of friends to sign up for the season so I get a lunch date and creative relief at the same time! Of course I had to get over the fact that I was now a "lady who lunches"and that half of the people there are senior citizens (not good for someone who just turned 40) but it's worth it to see the plays!

Check it out early, the tickets always sell out early (http://www.playwithyourfood.org/).


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