Infinite Connection

Jackson Pollock "Galaxy"
I am so grateful that I moved to the suburbs in the 21st century! I can't imagine what my life here would have been like if I didn't have a high speed internet connection. Thanks to this precious connection I've taken online classes and finished a degree. I keep in touch with my family in Europe via Skype. I've been able to share my journey to the burbs with friends!

Last night I discovered yet another use for the internet. After dinner, my son and I visited the Reina Sofia museum in Madrid, MOMA in New York, the Tate in London and the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam in about half an hour. All thanks to the Art Project by Google that he had been shown at school that day. Thanks to this amazing program you can walk around museums around the world, zoom in on specific art work and even take a peek at the street outside!


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