Unfit suburban mom

As I combed super girl's hair this morning, I felt a bump on her scalp.....one quick look and I knew it was a tick! I took a deep breath, called the local walk in clinic and off we went to get the parasite removed.

The doctor, who is a Lyme disease specialist takes a look and dryly says "this is probably been there for 48 hours....."

He removes the disgusting blood sucking invader and I meekly ask "so I'm more of a city kinda girl, and I don't know much about ticks in CT...what's the best thing to do to prevent the kids getting them?"

1. Do a tick check every single night, head to toe/
2. Don't let them play in grassy areas
3. Don't let them play in wooded areas
4. If they have to play outdoors they should be wearing long sleeves and long pants. Ideally white clothing
5. Their pant legs should be tucked into their socks
6. They should wear bug spray

Great I'm so glad we left the city for the great freedom of a backyard! Super Girl is now on a 2 week antibiotic treatment to make sure she doesn't get Lyme disease, I'm going to worry every time my kids are outdoors and I now have ONE more mothering task to add to my ever growing list. FABULOUS!

So much for the wide held belief that kids are much better off outside in the suburbs!


  1. First Lice, and now Ticks?! I see military haircuts in your kids future ;)



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