Soccer Coach

Since I was going to be at all of my daughter's soccer games I decided to take the soccer mom thing to the next logical step and be a coach. 

I got the background check, I did the online training and then patiently waited to see who my co-coach would be. The one that would make coaching 10 kindergarteners fun ! 

Three days before the season begins an e-mail from the soccer commissioner finally arrives. In it I found out that I'm coaching with two other dads. 

"What!!! I'm coaching with two other guys?!" I say to my husband. 

This threw me off the whole ideal that I was going to have a fun girlfriend and together we would be great models for our girls. It also set me off on a "hear us roar" soliloquy...

"If these guys think that I'm going to pick up the team t-shirts, get the team list out to the parents, send out reminder emails and organize snack while they sit back and pretend to coach the kids, they are dead wrong!" I say to my husband who at this point just knows it's better to nod and say nothing!

"And by the way I am not sending that first email to my co-coaches, I'm not doing any organizing!"

Five hours later.

I get this really sweet email from co-coach 1 saying that he'll read over all of the league information and send an email to the team parents. Co-coach 2 sends an email saying that he's picked up the team ball and would love to share some ideas on how we can co-coach over a BBQ at his house! Co-coach 2 changed his business trip so he could be at his daughter's first soccer practice and this weekend brought his co-coaches soccer whistles! They've turned out to be fun, chill and great partners!

What can I say? We city girls have a lot of pre-conceived notions about soccer in suburbia. Some of them are true (you'll be hearing about them I'm sure in the coming weeks) but sometimes you get a nice surprise!


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