Appearances can be deceiving

I just got back from my first bootcamp fitness class in the suburbs.

My friend Stephanie told me about it. We both recently moved and we both left behind some serious workout trainers. I loved my boxing place in NYC and I was really really skeptical that I could find something of the same caliber out here. I had visions of "Curves."

Anyway I was game to try this. So on this gray, cold morning I drove up the Post road which is lined with ugly, uninspiring strip malls and took a right turn at the local McDonalds. I saw a small, box like building with the gym's name on the side. Did I mention that this whole setting was uninspiring? I walked into a super clean, really well outfitted gym and was greeted by Andrew. Andrew is tall, handsome, super fit and leads the bootcamp. O.K. this is looking a little bit more inspiring.

I met up with four other friendly women and off we went. He made us to push ups, jumping squats, all the stuff I used to do in NYC. The difference was that everyone was friendly, the gym was filled with great looking trainers and their rates were much better than back in the city. The best part of course is that I got to meet new friends who gave me even more information about the town and where to go.

So you ask, is this as sexy as my gym in the city? Of course not. I used to go to a boxing gym down in Wall street that looked like a movie set. It was rugged, it was fun, it was sexy but it didn't help me connect to others. It was about me and my work out. Which is fun but it's also really nice to work out and connect with friends as well.

One of the leads I got from a woman in my bootcamp was that there is a great tennis club across the street which offers great childcare. Off I go to another square, strip mall building. I wonder what this holds inside.


  1. I started my boot camp Monday. Lots of fitness measurements to create a baseline upon which I will measure my progress over the next 12 weeks. I sandbagged it a little. Still took me a while to recover. Like you, I already found friendly enlisted folk who are already pushing me along.


  2. Yeah Stan! Let's try and keep each other motivated through these frigid winter months.
    Although I'm sure it's not as cold where you are :)


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