The other natives

I'm a very specific kind of nature lover.
I love the beautiful things in nature. I love the flowers, the birds singing, the sunlight shining through the leaves of an apple tree, and above all the amazing colors nature comes up with.
I've never been into the animals, the bugs, the snakes and rodents that inhibit the outdoors. Ever since I was super young they always elicited a "yyyyyuuuuck!" response.

Now that I've moved to the burbs I'm noticing these creatures all around me and I can't say I'm enjoying getting to know those natives. This is a two part problem. One I don't like them and I don't want to like them but more troubling is that I can't even identify what they are!

One day I was jogging back from the beach when I saw a four-legged animal trotting towards me, I just assumed it was a dog. As I got closer I realized it was a fox, a real live fox. It stopped looked at me and I tripled my jogging pace!

Last week, at the break of dawn I was enjoying my first cup coffee when I looked out my window and saw a coyote crossing my backyard. That's way too close for my comfort level. Plus, it's one thing to see a coyote from the kitchen window, what if I had been outside when he crossed! Would he have ignored me? Would have I stayed there frozen with fear? Would have I woken up the entire neighborhood with my scream? I guess we'll have to wait for the spring to find out?

My latest sighting was yesterday. I'm on the phone with my brother when I spot a gray, furry creature waddling around my neighbor's deck. I can't even tell what this thing it a ferret, a mole? kind of looks like a squirrel but it's so fat and wide that I can't imagine it climbing a tree (which is kind of a prerequisite for a squirrel right?) So I ask my brother since he's way more knowledgeable when it comes to animals than I am...his best guess and I'm sure he's right, is that I was looking at a very pregnant squirrel! Who knew? not I.

I secretly hope that most of these creatures will ignore me and do their thing when I'm asleep or running around living my life. I don't mean to sound unfriendly but I really don't want to meet them.


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