Morning Sickness

This morning I felt so nauseous. No I'm not expecting number four! Before I had a chance to finish my first cup of coffee, I discovered that I have an intruder in the house. This is what I know so far. He likes to gorge on peaches, he's an adept climber and he used my bread bowl as a bathroom. Yeap! I have a mouse in the house.

So for the past hour I've been going back and forth from "OMG how do I get rid of the little sucker" to "oh well I live in the country now and maybe he's a little bit like Ratatouille and I should just let him have a midnight snack....Who am I kidding I'm freaking out, I need to get rid of this guy. And I'm pissed. If we live in the countryside why does he have to come into my house?!

Here are my options:
1. Borrow my neighbor's cat who I'm told is an outstanding hunter. But I'm highly allergic to cats so it's a high price to pay!
2. Go to Home Depot and buy mouse traps. But I can't handle seeing dead things! I wonder if there's a kid in the neighborhood who would remove dead mice for money...
3. Ask my father in law to fly over from Spain so he can whack it dead with a broom (that's what he did when he found one 2 years ago)
4. Pay a professional a ridiculous fee to get the job done.
5. Go on vacation and hope that he's gone when I come back....

Aghhh! I don't know! I just want Ratatouille and his family to stay out of my kitchen. In the meantime I've put all of my fruits in the fridge, and if this guy comes for a snack tonight all he will find is a stack of papers.

Anyone have any wisdom to share?


  1. There are traps you can buy that keep the suckers inside away from delicate eyes. They are still dead but let's just say the are already in a handy coffin. Ask at the local hardware store

  2. Excellent. Just what I need! Thank you.

  3. Why not buy a "live trap"? You can get it at the hardware store. It's a tube that catches the mouse and then you can bring it to a park or woods and release it. Much better karma ...


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