Bullies in the Burbs

Many of us make the decision to leave the city to offer our kids a "better" public school experience.
Our experience so far has been very positive so far. The class sizes are smaller, the range of special classes like Spanish and Technology are impressive, the individual support is amazing, but as this You Tube video shows there are some serious downsides to living in a wealthy, safe and entitled suburb. http://06880danwoog.com/2011/03/25/sticks-and-stones/?blogsub=confirming#subscribe-blog

As an adult, when you move to the burbs you have to fight the system to remain an individual.  The majority of people have a very clear idea of what life out here should look like and if you don't conform you pay a price. You don't have as many friends, you don't get invited as much etc. There are definitely mommy clicks out here. Sadly this is also true for your kids. Of course bullying happens in the city. I'm not sure it's as severe though because in the city there are at least a few different molds you can fit into, out here it's pretty much one: good looking, sporty, wears designer clothes, big house and ready to conquer the world.

When you make the decision to leave the city for the burbs it's really important to consider the social aspect for the entire family not just the school system and the square footage. Ironically it's that aspect that will have the greatest impact on your life.


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