Don't Go Changing!

Some of you may have wondered how living in the burbs has changed me over the last two years....
today I received confirmation that two of my key traits are intact.
1. I have no sense of direction what so ever. Hubby who's been at my side for 20 years can give you plenty of stories to back that up. Let me share my morning drive. I was rushing from Stamford to Westport which is a distance of about twenty miles. About 8 minutes into the drive it was clear that the road I was on, I95, was badly congested and not showing any signs of improvement. So I said to myself I think I know another way home....let me give it a try. Guess what happened? After following my "internal compass "AND the car GPS I not only made no progress, I actually went the wrong way and ended up BACK in Stamford!!!! Yeap! thought I was going North but I was totally heading South.

2. I can't stick to a budget! Now don't get me wrong it's not that I don't want to stick to a budget, it's just that as hard as I try something comes up! For example, I've been pretty good about sticking to a food budget...but today when I got to the check out at the grocery store I noticed (this is an important first step hubby) that my grocery bill was significantly higher than I paid and headed to the exit thinking I wonder what I bought that put me over?

I actually bothered to answer the question by looking at the receipt and discovered that I had paid $50 for fish for tonight's dinner!!!! Like I said no matter what I can't stick to a budget. I saw swordfish that looked good and bought it.... But I can swallow my pride...I went to customer service and returned the fish (hubby is thinking yeah!).

 Still I walked out thinking, some things will never change!


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